IGNOU Assistant Recruitment 2023 is currently underway for the position of Junior Assistant in 200 positions

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IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) will be conducting the selection process through the National Test Agency

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The selection process for IGNOU Assistant Recruitment 2023 would involve a Written Test followed by Personal Interview

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Candidates selected in the Written Exam will be called for a further round of Personal Interviews

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The Final Merit List will be prepared based in the performance of the candidates in the qualifying exams

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To apply for IGNOU Assistant Recruitment 2023, candidates should have secured pass marks in the 10+2 exams

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Candidates should have a typing speed of 40 wpm in English and 30 wpm in Hindi on computers to apply

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Candidates can visit the IGNOU website and select the relevant option to apply for the job positions

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