On Wednesday evening, everyone's mind was heavy with a bad news. Aindrila Sharma is admitted to the hospital due to brain stroke

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Ever since this news came to the fore, netizens have posted wishing for Aindrila's well-being

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The actress returned to work after beating cancer twice. But he has started fighting again in the battle of life.

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Aindrila is currently in a critical condition in a private hospital due to a sudden stroke

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Her family or boyfriend Sabyasachi Chakraborty could not be contacted yet

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Aindrila's 2 hands were numb, then her hands and eyelids moved a little for a while. Sense is not back yet

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Opposite him in this serial was Sabyasachi from there their relationship and friendship developed

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About seven years ago in 2015, the actress was diagnosed with cancer of the spine

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Chemo therapy and radiation followed multiple risky surgeries

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At the end of last year, after a long fight for a year, it is known that he has defeated cancer for the second time

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