Individuals might find it embarrassing if unwanted fat becomes a hindrance while trying to uplift fashion quotient

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Quite a few seeds and nuts are available around us that can help in curbing the unwanted body fat effectively

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Almonds are one of the foremost weight reducing options among nuts as it is rich in antioxidants and fibre

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Cashew nuts too, that contain essential minerals that can help digest the fat and carbohydrates to reduce fat

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Pistachios too can help in weight reduction apart from its attractive taste and can help control body fat

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Brazilian Nuts are also an economic option to shed the extra kilos that can also keep the flab under check

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Even Walnuts that contain unsaturated fats can be an effective tool to ensure insulation against weight gain

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Flax seeds that are rich in fibres are the best option to look forward to when it comes to burning the extra calorie

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