The Sudan rescue by IAF personnel of thousands of Indians who were working or staying in Sudan and are caught in the middle of the Civil War deserves much more than thanks or applause. Under testing times and in the absence of minimal infrastructure, the Indian Air Force personnel made this near-impossible feat executed with utmost precision.

Sudan rescue by IAF – The planning and execution
As per breaking news at “Operation Kaveri” in Sudan rescue by IAF, an Indian Air Force (IAF), aircraft rescued 121 people from a small airstrip in violence-hit Sudan on Thursday night. The C-130J transport aircraft of the IAF landed on the unprepared runway in the darkness in Wadi Sayyidna, which is about 40 km north of the violence-hit Sudan capital of Khartoum.
The pilots of the C-130J aircraft carried out landing at night using Night Vision Goggles (NVG) as the airstrip was in a degraded condition and had no navigational approach aids or fuel and landing lights that are needed to guide an aircraft to land at night
Sudan Rescue by IAF – Overcoming the Odds
While approaching the airstrip, the aircrew used their Electro-Optical/Infra-Red sensors to ensure that the runway was free from any obstructions and that no inimical forces were in the vicinity. After making sure that the runway is clear, the aircrew carried out a tactical approach, on a practically dark night. Upon landing, the aircraft engines were kept running. eight IAF Garud Commandos from the special forces unit secured the passengers and their luggage into the aircraft.
“This approximately two-and-a-half-hour operation between Wadi Sayyidna and Jeddah will go down in the annals of IAF history for its sheer audacity and flawless execution - akin to that carried out in Kabul,” the India Air Force said in a statement. So far, in Sudan rescue by IAF, a total of 1,360 stranded Indians have been brought back to India from violence-hit Sundan under ‘Operation Kaveri‘.
Sudan rescue by IAF – The aftereffects
India has trade relations with many countries in this region and other African countries such as Nigeria, Angola, Algeria, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Chad, Ghana, and Côte d’Ivoire. These African nations account for about 15 percent or 34 million tonnes of India’s total oil imports. Stability in Sudan is necessary for entering into commercial partnerships with these countries even after Sudan rescue by IAF.
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