Investing to double your money in 6 yrs? Here’s how!

Investing financially is supposedly the wisest form of savings that has been advised by experts over the years. We have often seen Warren Buffet quotes that do the rounds in social media and other online or offline media platforms. However, savings are worth only if it is done with due wisdom to ensure that the invested amount is growing at a considerable rate to keep up with the depreciating value of the currency with time. Here’s the guide for not only saving your money but also doubling your investments in about 6 years’ time. Sounds magical, doesn’t it? Here’s how we can achieve it :

Investing in Mutual Fund
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Investing in Equity Oriented Mutual Fund Schemes

To find out how to invest in order to get the desired returns, all finance professionals and experts follow the “Rule of 72”. This rule helps in determining either the time or the annualized returns to reach the specific corpus through the investment. Let’s say, we aim to double our money, irrespective of the amount in 6 years’ time, then following the Rule of 72, R=72/T, where T is the time of investment and R is the rate of return, we divide 72/6=12, to arrive at the conclusion that if we have an investment that gives us 12% annualized returns on an average, we can double the money in 6 years time comprehensively.

One of the ways to do so is by investing in Equity Oriented Mutual Fund Schemes, which have been providing consistent returns over the years. A few schemes and their RoI are listed below which have consistently yielded returns of more than 12% in the last 5 years:

Scheme Name

Asset Orientation5 yr RoI
HDFC Tax SaverEquity/Debt


HDFC Top 100 Fund

Equity -Large Cap13.37%
Bandhan Tax ELSSEquity/Debt


SBI Contra

ICICI Focussed EquityEquity



Disclaimer: The above data has been quoted from Figures are indicative. Our website doesn’t guarantee returns on the investments made, but project figures are based on studies and surveys.

Investing in Capital Market Shares

Although Share Market investments are considered to be one of the riskiest, the same yields maximum returns within the shortest possible time, if wisdom and caution are exercised. Listed below are a few stocks that have yielded consistent returns in the form of dividends of more than 12% over the years and are relatively stable:

Stock Name

Yearly Dividend Returns


Steel Authority of India

Power Finance Corporation



Disclaimer: The above figures have been sourced from ET Money and represent the Annual Dividend Amount average for the last 3 years.

Please note that the investment options are subjected to market risks and the figures quoted are in no way an indication that the same returns can be maintained by the organizations. Expert advice should always be considered before investing.

Investing in NPS

Apart from Mutual Funds, another market-oriented investment option, which happens to carry lesser risk than MF’s, is the National Pension Scheme. However, NPS is generally regarded as more of a retirement-oriented corpus, hence individuals aiming for a lumpsum retirement fund can avail of this investment option. NPS has been consistently providing 40% returns on the same corpus if left invested till the retirement age of 60.