Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz pose naked on their anniversary

Nude pictures and videos of Heidi Klum and her husband Tom Kaulitz flood the net as thy cuddle almost naked. The pics and the videos have been shot by the couple themselves on their 4th Anniversary.

Heidi Klum
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Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz celebrating togetherness

Famous model turned-actor Heidi Klum has been married to Tom Kaulitz who is said to be 16 years younger to her. However, age has never been a hindrance to the love which the couple shower on each other. The pics and the videos released in public do carry the manifestation of the bonding they share between each other. Heidi Klum had taken to the social media platform of Instagram to share the love and affectation that the couple shares with each other.

In the photo, Tom, who appeared to be wearing only black boxer briefs, stood in front of Heidi, who partially hid her naked body behind his muscular figure. Heidi, whose left arm and hip had no clothing on them, took a selfie in the mirror as she smooched her man.

The celebrity couple had been engaged since 2018 as they got engaged during the Christmas of the same year and got married a few months later in California. However, the marriage ceremony was a hush-hush affair attended by close friends and relatives from both sides. They also had another destination wedding planned in the city of Capri in Italy which was held in August 2019.

The ambiance of the togetherness

In the video that was released by the star couple, the surroundings were decorated in just about the perfect manner with red-colored heart-shaped balloons. The ceiling of the room complemented the environment with a large number of roses as well.

Heidi has also shared their cozy pics from last year as well while holidaying in a beach apart from various other snaps taken in Las Vegas and various other award shows.

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