Earthquake in Mexico measuring 5.2 hit the Capital City

An earthquake in Mexico measuring 5.2 on the Richter scale hit the southern parts of the county including the Capital on Tuesday. Going by the magnitude, the earthquake can be considered as a mild one and fortunately, no reports on human casualty or property damages surfaced as yet.

earthquake in Mexico
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Earthquake in Mexico – The details

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) confirmed the magnitude of the earthquake that hit parts of southern Mexico, including Mexico City on Tuesday. The epicenter of the Earthquake in Mexico happened to be near the coast of southern Guerrero state, about 60 miles (96 km) northwest of the beach resort of Acapulco. The Mayor of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum, took to Twitter to inform that the magnitude of the earthquake didn’t warrant the activation of the city’s seismic alarm system as it was of low magnitude.

The tremors of the Earthquake in Mexico occurred at a depth of about 10 km (6 miles), and light shaking was probably felt throughout Guerrero, south-eastern Michoacán, southern Mexico, and Morelos states. It could take several hours until authorities can conduct comprehensive damage assessments, especially in remote areas. Light aftershocks are possible over the coming days.

Earthquake in Mexico – Damage control measures

Officials may temporarily shut down transportation infrastructure in the tremor zone to check for damage. Minor disruptions could occur during shutdowns, but service will likely resume quickly if no damage is found. Utility outages are possible, particularly near the earthquake’s epicenter.

As per the authority’s plan for aftershocks residents should consider vacating multi-story buildings if operating in affected areas until authorities confirm their structural integrity. Allow additional time for air and road travel, as aftershocks may prompt brief disruptions. Seek updated information on road conditions before driving in hilly areas in the affected region due to potential landslides.

It is worthwhile mentioning that the last major earthquake in Mexico and the surrounding countries happened last year in September that measured 7.6 on the Richter scale and had eventually triggered Tsunami warnings across the entire region.

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