To start with, a budget should be prepared and a proper market survey to be done for the essential parts for price

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The next step will be to go for a high configuration CPU, which happens to be the primary ingredient for gaming PC

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The motherboard and the processor chosen should have the capacity to work with other high end hardware

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As a hardware accessory, the graphics card too holds primary importance since a high end card is essential

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The graphics card ensure a high resolution display with in-built memory and hence the price needs to be checked

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The memory or the RAM is also an important for a gaming PC and hence a high speed 16 or 32 GB RAM is essential

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Another important hardware would be the PSU as it would be responsible for supplying the power to the hardware

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Crystal clear 4K monitors would add to the charm for any Gaming PC and hence a 1920x1080p will be the best

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