Catastrophic Tornado kills 32 in South and Midwest US on Sunday as per latest casualty reports from media

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The tornado that hit the South coast on Friday brought with itself ravage and destruction in the Southern states

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States like Indiana, Tennessee, Illinois and Iowa are the states that have been subjected to maximum destruction

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Reports confirm that quite a few residents of the city of Wynne in Arkansas died after the storm split them in half

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The untimely storm caught the residents of these states on the wrong foot as it unleashed its fury during these 3 days

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The southern plains in US were also a victim to inclement and untimely weather conditions as well as an after effect

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Disaster Management teams are working 24/7 to ensure normalcy is restored at the earliest in these states

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The death toll in Tennessee alone rose to 15 till now and the rescue teams might be able to uncover a few more

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