To counter diabetes and control the sugar levels in blood unconventional home remedies can also be useful

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Apart from its known utilities in the kitchen, fenugreek seeds can also be used as remedy for quite a few ailments

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Experts have concluded after researches that fenugreek seeds can help in control Type 2 Diabetes effectively

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Apart from controlling diabetes, it can also be used to enhance taste and flavour in different forms as well

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Fenugreek seeds help in insulin secretion and flow which in turn can contain the sugar levels in the blood

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Fenugreek seeds can absorb the excess sugar or glucose present in the blood thereby reducing sugar levels

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Fenugreek seeds soaked overnight in water and then drinking it after warming the water moderately can help

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However, excessive intake of fenugreek seeds can cause headaches, diarrhea or nausea as well for a few

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