Usain Bolt is the latest victim of Financial fraud, which is steadily engulfing the world into its dark abyss. Olympic champion Usain Bolt was scammed for $12 million, which was a part of savings meant to serve his needs as a pension in his retired life. Bolt has won 8 gold medals in the Olympic track and field events and is considered to be one of the all time greats in the Athletic World.

Usain Bolt scammed: Unfolding the story
The scam in question, as per Usain Bolt’s lawyer has been orchestrated by a Kingston, Jamaica based investment company named Stock and Securities Ltd. The money had been set aside by the athlete as a part of his retirement corpus out of which only $12,000 are left as of now. As far as official estimates are concerned, Usain Bolt scammed amount is expected to be around $12 million.
Needless to say, Bolt has his lawyers at work now, who are mulling legal action against the alleged firm. Bolt’s lawyer, Linton P Gordon has made a public statement saying, “It’s distressing news for anyone, and certainly in the case of Mr. Bolt, who established this account as part of his private pension.” He also quoted “It is a grave disappointment, and we are hoping that the matter will be resolved in a way that Mr. Bolt will recover his money and be able to live in peace.” Gordon confirmed that the concerned firm has been legally notified of the same asking them to return the money, failing which he will be left with the only option of taking up the matter before the Court of Law.
Response of the alleged firm
The concerned spokesperson of the alleged firm has confirmed that one of their former employees has committed the fraud and the organization has also approached the local law enforcement authorities for help in tracking down the perpetrator.
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