Poland helps Ukraine with 10 Mig-29 jets in the ongoing war against Russia as confirmed by the Polish Defence Minister. The announcement was made by Mariusz Blaszczak, the Polish Defence Minister during a joint briefing with his Canadian counterpart.

Poland bolsters Ukraine’s Ariel power with Mig-29’s
The 10 fighter jets that were supplied to the war-torn country during the ongoing war against Russia happened in the backdrop of becoming the first NATO nation to pledge the Soviet-era fighter jets saying it would send four of the fighter aircraft to Kyiv. Further aircraft would be serviced and repaired before sending, Polish President Andrzej Duda said. Poland had 28 such jets, also known as “Fulcrum” aircraft, as of the start of the year, according to The Military Balance 2023, the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank’s annual assessment of nations’ military capabilities.
Ukraine getting help from all quarters
In March, Slovakia announced it would send 13 of the jets to the war-torn country, with Prime Minister Eduard Heger saying Bratislava would be “on the right side of history.” Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad then confirmed in a post to social media on April 17 that the 13 aircraft had arrived.
As per the news, many of Kyiv’s allies have resisted committing aircraft to the war-torn country, and do not have stocks of the Soviet-era fighters that have long been part of Kyiv’s military inventory. “We are not trying to put pressure on our allies, we only try to encourage them to support the country,” Blaszczak added. Ahead of announcing the move by Poland, Duda said that Ukrainian pilots would be “ready to use those planes instantly.” The fourth-generation, twin-engine MIGs are already familiar to Ukrainian pilots and have been used throughout the war effort against Russia.
This is a key advantage of these fighter jets, experts say. Kyiv does have “pilots who are experienced in operating them, who they can put into those airframes immediately,” David Jordan, co-director of the Freeman Air and Space Institute at King’s College London, U.K., previously told Newsweek.
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