Pariksha pe Charcha 2023 Live with PM Narendra Modi

The Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi in his Pariksha pe Charcha 2023, a look alike of sorts with his Chai Pe Charcha, aims to bridge the gap between teachers and students. Coupled with his suggestions on how to deal with examination and peer pressure and prevail, in order to overcome the challenges that obstruct the buildup of a successful career for the students and foster a respectable relationship with their teachers and mentors.

Pariksha pe Charcha 2023
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Pariksha pe Charcha 2023: The objective

The PM also addresses the parents along with the students and the teachers, since they also play an integral part in shaping the lives of their children. According to him, it’s a collective effort on the part of all the above 3 stakeholders who contribute to the education and emotional success of students thereby laying the foundations of a generation that would shape the future of a country and community. The session is one where teachers can also put forward their queries to the PM to come up with a roadmap for building a nation with concrete foundations of culture and value.

The success of the event

The meeting was attended by almost 38 lakh students and according to the Education Minister, more than 20 Lakh questions were received from which the NCERT shortlisted the most reasonable ones on topics that ranged from social and family pressure, stress management, mental and physical wellness and unfair practices along with ways to avoid them. The PM in his address stressed on the importance of working hard, but in a smart way along with effective ways to manage time which is one of the most important issue for students, teachers and parents alike.

This initiative has been a first of its kind, taken up by the Government of India with a view to shape the next generation and the ones to follow since they will be instrumental in shaping a nation’s future.

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