Land subsidence in Joshimath raise alarms amongst residents

As cracks started appearing on the roads and buildings due to Land subsidence in Joshimath, Uttarakhand, residents feel the chill down their spine. The entire situation has put the basic survival of the residents of this town in Chamoli district, which is located 6150 meters above sea level amongst the picturesque Himalayas. Locals however have confirmed that this is not something out of the blue and that the problem of land subsidence started several years ago, to which authorities had turned a blind eye till now.

Land subsidence in Joshimath
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Land subsidence in Joshimath: The threat and its causes

As the recent developments, rather the lack of it as far as infrastructure is concerned even got the PM to intervene, locals say that such a phenomenon is not something new. Such crack on roads and buildings in Joshimath has been a regular feature for several years now. However, they also confirmed that the magnitude of damage observed presently is something deep and grave, if compared to the previous ones. Experts believe that one of the foremost reasons for the land subsidence can be attributed mainly to the fact that the town has been built on loose soil and the current crisis is just an inevitable after-effect. It is also believed that drainage problems and the occasional earthquakes have also contributed majorly to the cause. Hence, the crisis at hand is very much the result of a combined natural and man-made disaster.

Damage Control measures

Top officials from the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, who among others have been chosen to implement damage control measures for this Land subsidence in Joshimath, have also confirmed that the current crisis is a result of building a town on soil debris, left over by landslides and earthquakes in the region. Needless to say, the area in and around Joshimath is considered to be earthquake prone and hence unplanned constructions, hydroelectric projects and unauthorized infrastructure developments have been adding to the risk factor of land subsidence and are very much responsible for the present day crisis. Various experts had highlighted this issue for decades now, but apathy from the administrators ensured that the problem grows exponentially.

Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami and PM Narendra Modi have taken to the media and have assured the locals of all possible support from the Government.

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