Imran Khan losing grip as Pakistan Army slowly closes in

Imran Khan’s days might be numbered as analysts and experts agree to the fact that the ex-PM of Pakistan is nearing his fate just like his predecessors who had paid a heavy price with their lives for opposing the Military establishment in Pakistan. The ex-PM is currently holed up in his Zaman Park residence in Lahore and with every passing day, one of the most charismatic characters in the history of Pakistan is losing friends at an exponential rate.

Imran Khan
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End of the road for Imran Khan?

The latest arrest news of the ex-PM Imran Khan, a couple of weeks ago by the Pak Rangers unleashed widespread violence including the destruction of government properties and residences of military commanders across the country. All those who are accused of spreading the violence were PTI supporters who had also reached the gates of the Military Headquarters in Rawalpindi. They also ransacked the residence of one of the Top Military Commanders as they protested the arrest of their leader. The violence finally led to Imran’s release which was ordered by the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

Challenges Ahead for the Military in Pakistan

Imran’s popularity has always been the cause of headaches for the Military and the ruling party, and now the Army is desperate to cut him to size for not being faithful to the Military, which happens to be the most powerful and influential establishment in Pak since its formation. Hence, Imran Khan is on the verge of meeting the same fate as his predecessors who dared to take on the Army. The Military and the ruling party are also afraid that the upcoming General Elections later this year might bring back Imran’s party to power once again with an absolute majority and hence they are desperate to act on taming him.

News reports confirm that Imran and his wife have already been put on the no-fly list and have been barred from leaving the country. Imran has also survived 2 assassination attempts and had gone public saying that the Army Chief is the mastermind of these attacks.


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