Ethereum Evolution and its gradual success in the last decade

Ethereum Evolution

Ethereum Evolution is a highly successful public blockchain by adoption, mindshare, and the number of developers working on Ethereum smart contracts and decentralized apps. Below is a short history of Ethereum, and some difficult periods in its history that it has managed to overcome. Ethereum Evolution - 2013 Vitalik Buterin described Ethereum as a concept … Read more

Smart Contracts and its role in Ethereum transactions

smart contracts

Smart contracts mean different things depending on the blockchain platform. Ethereum smart contracts are short computer programs that are stored on Ethereum’s blockchain, replicated across all the nodes, and are available for anyone to inspect. There are two steps that are performed separately: Uploading the smart contracts to Ethereum’s blockchain Making the smart contract run … Read more

Ethereum and Bitcoin, a comparative and comprehensive study

Ethereum and Bitcoin

In today’s session on Ethereum and Bitcoin, we take a comparative look at the functioning and a comparative study of both cryptocurrencies while taking into consideration their similarities and differences. Ethereum and Bitcoin - Similarities Ethereum Has an Inbuilt Cryptocurrency. Ethereum’s token is called Ether, shortened to ETH. This is a cryptocurrency that can be traded … Read more

Ethereum basics with its feature, applications and uses


Ethereum is considered to be the very next after Bitcoin in the Cryptocurrency eco-space implementing trustless validation along with distributed storage of transactional data, which happens to be the very prerequisite for Cryptocurrency and its transactions. It happens to have a distributed network of almost 15,000 computers and the token name goes by Ether. The … Read more

Crypto Exchanges and their economic roles in transaction

Crypto Exchanges

Before starting of with Crypto Exchanges, just to recap, in the last session, we discussed the different ways of Bitcoin transactions in detail. Today, we take a close look at the role of the exchanges through which Crypto transactions are performed. How Do Crypto Exchanges Make Money? Crypto Exchanges make money by charging fees, just … Read more

Working of Bitcoin Exchange in Deposits and Trade

Working of Bitcoin Exchange

Before starting today with Working of Bitcoin Exchange, with respect to deposits and trade transactions, the last session was dedicated to a detailed overview of Bitcoin transactions. Today, under the Working of Bitcoin Exchange, we take a look at deposits and trades using Bitcoin. Working of Bitcoin Exchange - Deposit Before you can attempt to … Read more

Buying and Selling Bitcoins in Cryptocurrency transactions

Buying and Selling Bitcoins

For Buying and Selling Bitcoins, you can buy bitcoins from anyone who has them. Likewise, you can sell bitcoins to anyone who wants them. Fortunately, there are various places where you are likely to find a group of people willing to trade at competitive prices—exchanges. Buying and Selling Bitcoins - Exchanges Just like stock exchanges, … Read more

Hardware Wallets and its applications in the cryptocurrency

Hardware Wallets

Before starting off with Hardware Wallets, we just remind ourselves of the fact that we worked on the details of software wallets in the last session. Wallets Sometimes Bitcoin wallets can have a hardware component. Private keys are stored in chips on small handheld devices. Two popular hardware wallets are called ‘Trezor’ and ‘Ledger Nano,’ … Read more

Payments in Cryptocurrency transactions and its features

Payments in Cryptocurrency

Before starting with Payments in Cryptocurrency, we take a look at the topics discussed in the last session where we had cleared the air on software wallets. Today, under Payments in Cryptocurrency, we take a look into the payment processes and other wallet transactions. Topics to be discussed today in Payments in Cryptocurrency include: Bitcoin … Read more

Features of Crypto Wallet in respect to the background process

Features of Crypto Wallet

Before starting of with the Features of Crypto Wallet, just to refresh our memory, we discussed about the features of Bitcoin in the last session, and now in this session, we delve deeper into the working of Bitcoins with respect to Address Creation, Address Display and Account creation as a part of Features of Crypto … Read more